Entertainment03 November 2019
Judy Garland has always been one of my favourite performers, and it was meaningful to see the end of her life play out in this flick.
I don’t know where to begin to describe how much this movie moved me.

Now I take these kinds of movie with a grain of salt because stories have so many sides, yet just the songs, the sets, the costumes, the actors and the performances were more enough to make this film sparkle despite it being a bit dark and inevitable.
I appreciated that this movie was told partly from the point of Judy’s daughter Lorna Luft (from one of my FAVOURITE movies, Grease 2). I understand Judy loved her kids. And that truly comes out here.
I do appreciate that the life of a performer is taxing. As with any job where the “work” is someone’s talent, you have to be on all the time – for a long time to make a living.
This is BEST representation of this I’ve seen.

I can only imagine how early Hollywood treated their stars – I know it was tough. And of course that would have a long-term effect on Judy.
This movie doesn’t shy away from this in flashbacks from Judy’s early career. And I respect her all the more after seeing this movie.
The imagery is SO strong – and if you have any love of vintage, you’ll enjoy how GORGEOUS this film is.
From a peek at Wizard of Oz, to Judy’s career with Mickey Rooney – you get it all in spades.

If you didn’t grow up with Judy Garland, the movie will still delight. Renee Zellweger is uncanny – and steps into Judy’s shoes amazingly well.
The music is TOPS. From “Somewhere over the Rainbow” to “The Trolley Song” – these songs keep the movie light & bright.
Yet my favourite tune from the movie is “Sing Hallelujah” – it’s always been one of my top tunes, yet how it’s placed in the film is the most touching.
Judy is now playing in theatres. Hop on your broom or bubble and fly to the cinema for this epic look at one of Hollywood’s shining stars.